Prevention Stunting: Good Practices from Banggai
The government strives to prevent stunting as an urgent health development agenda. The level of stunting in children in Indonesia is so high that it needs better handling in the future.
Various efforts have been carried out concurrently between the Central Government and the Regions, at the National Workshop of MSS of Health and Prevention Stunting conducted by ADINKES, Ir. Herwin Yatim, MM (Banggai District) came to share the good experience of District Banggai Government in suppressing stunting rate from about 40% down to 31% (for 2 years, from 2015). The success of the Government of District Banggai, Central Sulawesi has been studied by various parties, has also been included in the review by the WHO Team (coverage on http: //
There are several innovations implemented by the District Banggai Government, which were get the attention of participants in the discussion session. They are Preconception Services for women of reproductive age before pregnancy to ensure the condition and behavior of the mother during pregnancy so as not to pose a risk to the mother and her baby; including the mobilization of key non-health sector roles in Prevention Stunting.
The Chairman of ADINKES (Dr. Krishnajaya, MS) on this occasion expressed his appreciation for the success to Banggai District Head and Head of Banggai Health Office, DR. dr. Anang Otoluwa, MPPM. ADINKES expects more and more districts/cities to succeed in stunting prevention. Good experience in other areas can be an example to improve ongoing efforts in each region.
The Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ir Diah Indrajati, M.Sc) attended the National Workshop on “SPM Health and Prevention Stunting” on April 24, 2016 at Hotel Orchardz Jakarta. This event is a National Conference for input to the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs in the preparation of Technical Standards MSS in Health; this as a mandate from the stipulation of Government Regulation (PP) No. 2 Year 2018 on Minimum Service Standards (SPM).
On this occasion, the Director General also gave Keynote Speaker related to the Development and Supervision of the Implementation of SPM for Health and Discussion with the Meeting Participants. The workshop was attended by more than 200 participants from Provincial Health Office, District / City Health Office, Community Health Clinic and Ministry of Health (from some related Directorate) and Health Sub Directorate of Directorate of Ministry III of Ministry of Home Affairs.
This National Meeting Material can be downloaded on the link:
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