
About Adinkes

Association of Indonesia Local Health Offices (ADINKES) formed to meet aspirations and participation of local health offices throughout Indonesia. ADINKES was established in Jakarta on 22 October 2002 in the National Meeting of the Head of Health Service in Indonesia. ADINKES has a mission in accordance with the organizational logo which includes the symbol of the Eight-Tiered Square Cross which means that the Health is supported from all corners of the layer and the symbol of Wijaya Kusuma flower which contains the meaning of ADINKES efforts that always want the healthy life of all the people.

Based on the IV National Working Meeting of the Local Health Offices of all Indonesia (February 12, 2015) then set by acclamation re-elected Dr. Krishnajaya, MS as Chairman of ADINKES for the period 2015-2020.

ADINKES has a vision to be a major partner Government and Local Governments throughout Indonesia in realizing the Public Health Office and Technical Implementation Unit as the executor of trusted and reliable health affairs.

ADINKES Missions:

  1. Improve communication among Members, Government, Private and Community in implementing health development in the era of sub-National Autonomy / Decentralization.
  2. Develop capacity and improve member competence (capacities) in performing their tasks and functions.
  3. Mobilize national development in the perspective of Health insight.
  4. Support the government in the development of public health, individual and community empowerment efforts.
  5. Support the government in the development of individual health efforts, especially primary care.
  6. Support the implementation of National Health Insurance in the regions.

On the above mission, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs have provided written support and policy regarding ADINKES as a government partner. ADINKES has a Central Executive Board and Sub-National Board. In collaboration with Sub-National Board, ADINKES conducted various activities at the national level as a form of translation of the Vision and Mission organization.