
Technical Competency Training for Head of Local Health Office

As mandated by the Law and Regulation, the Ministry of Health continues to complete the training module for Head of Local Health Office technical competency training. It is planned at the end of October, the Training can begin.

Article 233 of Law No. 23 of 2014 relating to Regional Government regulates that Civil Servants of the State who occupy the Regional Heads of Regional Apparatus must have 3 competency requirements namely technical, managerial and socio-cultural. Article 98 of Government Regulation No. 18 of 2016 concerning Regional Devices stipulates that Technical Competence is regulated by the relevant Technical Ministry (Ministry of Health). Law No. 5 of 2015 concerning the State Civil Apparatus regulates various matters related to this ASN Competency, one of which is Article 21 stated that Civil Servants (PNS) have the right to Competence Development. There are 14 technical key competencies for Head of Local Health that will be achieved in the Certification Training in which the Participant registration has been opened by the Ministry of Health’s PPSDM in week two of October 2018.

Head of PPSDM, Dr. Achmad Sobagjo Tancarino, MARS concluded the workshop to develop this technical competence training material. ADINKES was present to provide input to PPSDM regarding training materials. Dr. Krishnajaya, MS (Chairperson of the General ADINKES) hopes that this training can really improve the competency of the Head of the Health Office so that at the end of the day Public Services in the Health Sector will get better.

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