
Monitoring and Mentoring Implementation of SPM Kesehatan (MHSS)

Director General of Regional Development (Ir. Diah Indrajati, M.Sc) attend to open the National Workshop on “MSS of Health and Prevention of Stunting” on April 24, 2018 in Hotel Orchardz Jakarta. The Workshop aimed to get input and considerations from Local Health Offices regarding the enactment of Technical Guideline on Minimum Health Service Standard (MHSS).  The issuance of Government Regulation No. 2 Year 2018 regarding ‘Minimum Service Standard’  obligate a follow up on the enactment of  technical standard (guideline) on how to implement MHSS start in January 2019.

On this occasion, the DG also presents keynote speach regarding Monitoring and Mentoring for local government of Indonesia. The National clearly put sanctions to local government who do not comply to achieve di MSS standards.

Slides and other material being discussed during the workshop can be downloaded from:  https://adinkes.org/publications/

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